Gaining Vision in the Valleys

Gaining Vision in the Valleys

Chinese believers go outside their comfort zone to learn more about the UPGs surrounding them Deep in Western China, there are many places that are known as “zero regions.” This simply means that there is no known engagement with the Gospel in these places, with...
When the unreached are your neighbors… and friends

When the unreached are your neighbors… and friends

A third-generation Chinese believer gains a heart for the lost around her for the first time “I’ve never read the Bible like this before!” Though my friend Nina had heard the 1 Samuel 17 story of David and Goliath countless times, she was blown away to learn the...
When the unreached live next door

When the unreached live next door

“Are you sure these people are from Maoxian county? This is my county, but I have never heard of this people group,” asked Jordan, postgraduate student at a Chinese university, during an Xplore study with CMM staff and other Chinese believers. Jordan is the only...

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