Watch the story of international mobilization at work.
Will you partner with us to finish the final 14% of our global budget?
Mobilizing families, students, and leaders to the unreached
Our staff have already raised $5.2 million of the total funding needed for this upcoming year of ministry. Only $800,000 remains to fund our ministry projects, translations, and team budgets. Will you partner with us to finish the final 14%?
Engaging families
2017 Goals
Translation partnerships: Continue leveraging translations to deliver training and resources in heart languages.
Weave Phase 2: Shift Weave from a national to an international ministry.
Equipping Students
2017 Goals
Cross-cultural evangelism: Lead 3,000 college students in cross-cultural evangelism to Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.
Connecting Leaders
2017 Goals
East Africa: Bring together mission and mobilization ministries to form an African-led missions association.
Associates and Affiliates: Expand our partnerships by adding 15 new Global Associates and Global Affiliates — indigenous mobilization leaders with whom we have formal partnerships.
Mobilization Resources
2017 Goals
SRS international: Launch SRS training and resources in Latin America and Africa to enable more missionaries to go to the unreached.
Xplore and Go Mobilize: Expand the number of translations from 12 to 24.
CMT: Launch new trainings through CMT’s network to equip campus ministers worldwide.